Hanson Robotics


Hanson Robotics is an AI company dedicated to creating living, conscious machines who improve people's lives. Our robots will serve as AI platforms for research, education, medical and healthcare, sales and service, and entertainment applications, and will evolve to become benevolent, super-intelligent living machines who advance civilization and achieve ever-greater good for all.

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Latest 2 newsitems about Hanson Robotics

Sophia has a female face, including facial expressions, and looks at her stage partner and audience. Her human form often creates a false image among people of the current state of artificial intelligence and the ability of a robot to conduct a human conversation.

Sophia is made by David Hansen, of Hanson Robotics shows her feminine side. This human robot has quite realistic skin and a face that moves. At certain points you even see subtle human traits such as a quick grin or the blinking of the eyes.

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Hanson RoboticsHanson-Robotics.jpg

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