JustoCat, a social robotcat

JustoCat is a robot cat, a social robot to improve life for people with dementia. JustoCat is specially adapted for healthcare environments.

JustoCat only the important features of a real cat

The robot cat is as big and heavy as a real cat.
The robot works to a limited extent like a cat (reacting to strokes)
Justocat is intended as a tool for interaction and communication.
JustoCat does not need to be powered
The cat stays on your lap for a long time
On the market

Justocat will probably be available by the end of 2014. The expected price will be around 1600 euro. According to the supplier, there will also be possibilities to hire the robot cat so that the effects can first be experienced.

Op de markt

Justocat zal waarschijnlijk het eind van 2014 verkrijgbaar zijn. De te verwachte prijs zal rond de 1200 euro liggen. Volgens de leverancier komen er ook mogelijkheden om de robotkat te huren zodat eerst kan worden ervaren wat de effecten kunnen zijn.

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randall van poelvoorde



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Images and video

Justocat-robotkat voor dementieJustocat-robotkat.jpg
Justocat, social robot kat for dementiaJustocat-social-robot-kat-for-dementia.jpg
JustoCat, robot cat for dementia
Justocat-robotkat voor dementieJustocat-robotkat.jpg
Justocat, social robot kat for dementiaJustocat-social-robot-kat-for-dementia.jpg
JustoCat, robot cat for dementia

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