Robot orthoses are advanced pieces of technology with robotics that can help people in the better functioning of the body. An orthosis is a device that supports, corrects or strengthens the body. Applications include walking and lifting.
Robot exoskeleton
For example, a robot exosleket can be used to support people with heavy work. The exoskeleton provides hydraulic, artificial muscles that provide extra support, allowing people to lift up to 20 times more. This addition to the human body provides extra strength but can also be used preventively. For example, at airports for lifting the many suitcases.
Support of spinal cord injury patient
People who can no longer walk through a cross-leasia are sometimes able to do so with a robotic suit. Despite the high costs, the exoskeleton could still be a cheaper solution. Transverse lesion patients often suffer from bedsores and other discomforts due to sitting and lying down, which can lead to hospitalisation. In addition, the exoskeleton increases people's self-esteem.