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El año que viene se lanzará al mercado una mini versión del conocido robot social Sophia. Eso es lo que el desarrollador Hanson Robotics nos dijo durante el festival tecnológico Bright Day. El robot parlante tiene docenas de expresiones faciales. "El robot costará varios cientos de dólares", dice David Chen de Hanson Robotics a Bright. Los usuarios también podrán programar ellos mismos la versión mini del robot social Sophia. Hanson Robotics ha comercializado anteriormente una muñeca Einstein.
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Sophia tiene una cara femenina, incluyendo expresiones faciales, y mira a su compañero de escenario y al público. Su forma humana crea a menudo una falsa imagen entre la gente del estado actual de la inteligencia artificial y de la capacidad de un robot para llevar a cabo una conversación humana.
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Sophia will be in the Netherlands for the first time on 28 September 2018, because of a leadership congress in Amsterdam. Enough reason for the NOS to speak to her, to see with their own eyes what the hype is about and to find out whether it is justified. The first thing that strikes you when you see Sophia is that she is small. Everyone - big or small - has to bend down a little to be able to look at her. If you look her in the face, there is a good chance that you will get the thought "she looks like someone, but who? That's not a crazy thought: her face is based on that of Audrey Hepburn.
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Sophia is made by David Hansen, of Hanson Robotics shows her feminine side. This human robot has quite realistic skin and a face that moves. At certain points you even see subtle human traits such as a quick grin or the blinking of the eyes.
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During an interview on stage in Saudi Arabia, Robot Sophia, Hanson robotics, shows that she is surprisingly human in her expression and her answers. When asked whether robots could have human consciousness and whether they should have, Sophia did not immediately give clear answers. "Why? Is that bad", she asked evasively? When the question was repeated, Sophia once again answered with a question again.
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