
Humanoid robot Sophia visiting the Netherlands

De hoofdgast op Bright Day op 24 en 25 november 2018 is de sociale humanoid Sophia van Hanson Robotics.

Interview about artificial intelligence and robotics

During Bright Day on 24 and 25 November Sophia will be interviewed on the main stage about artificial intelligence, robotics and her impression of people. For us, she is the embodiment of the 'bright side of tech', this year's theme. Robots are not scary, we just need to get to know them better. And they are us.

Besides Sophia there is another special robot from the party: ANYmal from the Swiss ANYbotics. This advanced quadruped robot can function autonomously and can be used as a multi-purpose robot. During Bright Day the audience will see a live demonstration.

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Humanoid robot Sophia visiting the Netherlands
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Images et vidéo

Humanoid robot Sophia op bezoek in NederlandRobot Sophia op bezoek in Nederland.jpg
Humanoid robot Sophia op bezoek in NederlandRobot Sophia op bezoek in Nederland.jpg

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